Buyers of Multiple Properties

Our system is designed to help property buyers find just what they’re looking for, whether that’s an addition to a property portfolio, a property project or buy to let.

Want discounted properties in your area sent direct to your inbox? Complete the form with your requirements and we will find you matching properties through our national home buyer network.

  • Find discounted properties.
  • Matched using our nationwide network.
  • Get access to properties off-market.
  • Deals not available elsewhere.

Property Request Form

Enter Your Contact Information
Enter Property Details
Select upto 3 locations
Property Price & Discount

How It Works

We utilise our vast property network,
which gives us the ability to find the ideal property for your portfolio.


Give us your information

Fill out the stepped contact form above, this will allow us to find properties from within our database that will fit your exact specification.


Property Matching

Our software will create a list of properties which match your criteria based on location, number of bedrooms and yield.


Receive Alerts

Once our software has found matches based on the information you have provided, you will receive an email alerting you of all available properties.


The benefits of We Find You Property

Our system makes the househunting process simple and easy. No trawling through estate agent websites or searching the newspaper property pages. We deliver the details about properties matching your criteria direct to your inbox.

No sales calls or endless pestering from agents. The details come to you and you decide if you want to act on them. The decision is totally in your hands, but we’re here if you need us.

Find the perfect property faster. Whether you work full time, have a family or just have a busy life, We Find You Property takes the time demand out of finding your house, whether you’re a first time buyer, just looking for a bigger place, or are seeking an investment property.

Less stress for people selling houses. If you want to sell your house quicker, we can help this happen with our bid service, allowing potential buyers to make an offer for you to consider. It’s quick and easy, reducing delays in chains and pressure on sellers.

Get In Touch

Complete the form below to send a message to our team.
We aim to reply to all messages within 24 hours.